- IT Business Solutions

Secure Your Emails against Enfolding Threats

Ardent IT’s multifaceted email protection mechanism, can help protect your organization from spam, malware, and fraud threats.
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IT Expert

94 out of 100 times malware is delivered through emails

With business email protection personalized to your requirements, you can get a rapid incident response and threat insights, and also shield your business email from threats like spear-phishing, ransomware, BEC, and email spam.

Our Process

Using our Advanced BEC Defense, our comprehensive email security platform protects against malware and non-malware email threats such as email fraud, also known as business email compromise (BEC). It gives you insight into your greatest risk. Furthermore, with actionable information, you can better weigh the implications you encounter and react appropriately more speedily.

How Do You Benefit?

Learn How to Secure Your Inbox to Safeguard Your Information

Our Expertise

Stop threats early with Proactive Email Security Detection



Data Loss

Advanced Risk


Compliance Content

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What Happens Next?

Frequently Asked Questions

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a sort of loophole in which a hacker gains unauthorized access to an enterprise email system and impersonates the owner in an attempt to defraud the organization and its employees, clients, or associates.
A proactive cyber-security strategy is one that takes action before an incident comes; A good cyber-security stance of preparedness is to evaluate the guidelines, toolkits, and practices that comprise proactive cyber security protocols.
A few of the most vital email security protocols are listed below.
  • Anti-virus Defense
  • Data Encryption
  • Image & Content Regulation
  • Spam Sniffer
Email encryption entails encoding or masking the information of emails in order to prevent critical information from being found by someone other than the addressee. Email encryption is frequently combined with authentication.