Ransomware Prevention in IT: Best Practices 2023


Secure Your Data: Ransomware Prevention Tips 2023

The world of IT has evolved exponentially in recent years, making our lives easier and more convenient. However, with every development, there come new threats, and one of the most dangerous threats that have emerged in recent years is ransomware attacks. 
In this blog, we will discuss the meaning, types, and impact of ransomware attacks on IT businesses. We will also discuss how you can protect your business from this threat and why it is essential to do so.

Table of Contents

From Ground to Notch: What, Type, Impact Ransomware Attack
Is Ransomware a Threat to Your Business?
How is the Seed of Ransomware Planted in Your Business?
Ransomware Attacks in IT: 8 Strategies to Prevent Attackers in 2023
7 Approaches to Recover from the Harmful Attack
Ransomware Attacks in IT: Case Studies that Make Us Aware
How Ardent IT Can Safeguard Your Encryption?
Is something fishy for the future too?
Wrapping Up

From Ground To Notch: What, Type, Impact Ransomware Attack


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the victim’s files and demands payment to restore access to the data. Ransomware can enter your system through various means, including phishing emails, malicious links, and vulnerable software.


Ransomware comes in many forms, and each type has a different method of attack. Here are the four most common types of ransomware:</span?

Scareware Ransomware

Displays a fake message claiming to be from a law enforcement agency, stating that illegal activity has been detected on the user’s computer.

Locker Ransomware

Locks the victim out of their computer or specific files, making them inaccessible until the ransom is paid.

Crypto Ransomware

Encrypts the victim’s files, making them unreadable without a decryption key, which is only provided after the ransom is paid.

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) Ransomware

Ransomware infects a network of devices, using them to launch a DDoS attack on a specific website or server. The victim is then demanded to pay to stop the attack.

Impact On IT Businesses

Ransomware attacks can have a significant impact on IT businesses, including financial loss, reputational damage, and legal ramifications. The cost of a ransomware attack can be even more significant when you factor in lost revenue, remediation costs, and damage to the company’s reputation.

Is Ransomware A Threat To Your Business?

Yes, ransomware is a severe threat to any business that uses technology. In 2023, it is predicted that there will be a ransomware attack every 11 seconds, and the cost of these attacks is expected to exceed $30 billion. Furthermore, SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) are increasingly becoming targets of ransomware attacks, as they often have weaker security measures in place.

How Is The Seed Of Ransomware Planted In Your Business?

Ransomware attacks typically happen in stages. Here are the four stages of a ransomware attack:

Stage 1 – Infection

Ransomware is introduced to the system through a phishing email, malicious link, or vulnerable software.

Stage 2 – Encryption

The ransomware starts to encrypt the victim’s files, making them inaccessible without a decryption key.

Stage 3 – Extortion

The ransomware demands payment in exchange for the decryption key, usually through cryptocurrency.

Stage 4 – Payment

If the victim decides to pay the ransom, they will receive the decryption key to regain access to their files.

Ransomware Attacks In IT: 8 Strategies To Prevent Attackers In 2023

As the use of technology continues to expand, cyberattacks have become increasingly prevalent. Among these attacks, ransomware attacks are some of the most devastating for businesses. They can cripple an organization’s infrastructure and cause extensive damage to its reputation. To protect your business from such attacks, here are eight strategies you can implement:

Strategy 1: Implement A Robust Backup System

Backing up your data is one of the most critical steps in preventing ransomware attacks. It is essential to have a backup system in place that is automated and can store backups off-site. This ensures that even if your systems are infected, you can recover your data without paying a ransom.

Strategy 2: Regularly Train Your Employees On Cybersecurity

Human error is one of the primary reasons for ransomware attacks. Therefore, it is crucial to train your employees regularly on cybersecurity best practices. This includes avoiding phishing emails, not clicking on unknown links, and using strong passwords.

Strategy 3: Conduct Regular Vulnerability Assessments

To prevent ransomware attacks, it is vital to conduct regular vulnerability assessments. This will help you identify any weak spots in your system that can be exploited by cybercriminals. Once identified, these vulnerabilities should be fixed immediately.

Strategy 4: Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implementing MFA adds an extra layer of security to your systems. It ensures that even if your passwords are compromised, your data will still be safe. MFA is a simple but effective way to prevent ransomware attacks.

Strategy 5: Limit User Access

Limiting user access to critical systems and data is essential in preventing ransomware attacks. This reduces the risk of human error and ensures that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.

Strategy 6: Keep Your Software Updated

Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to launch ransomware attacks. Therefore, it is crucial to keep all your software updated regularly. This includes your operating systems, antivirus software, and other critical applications.

Strategy 7: Implement A Firewall And Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

A firewall and IDS are critical components of any cybersecurity strategy. They help detect and prevent unauthorized access to your systems. Implementing these tools can significantly reduce the risk of ransomware attacks.

Strategy 8: Use Endpoint Detection And Response (EDR)

EDR is an advanced cybersecurity tool that can detect and prevent ransomware attacks. It can identify suspicious activity on endpoints and take immediate action to stop the attack.

7 Approaches To Recover From The Harmful Attack

Despite taking all the necessary precautions, it is still possible for businesses to fall victim to ransomware attacks. Here are seven top-effective techniques to help you recover from the harm caused by such an attack:

#1: Isolate Infected Systems

The first step in recovering from a ransomware attack is to isolate infected systems. This prevents the ransomware from spreading to other systems and networks.

#2: Identify The Type Of Ransomware

Identifying the type of ransomware is essential in determining the best recovery strategy. Some ransomware strains can be decrypted, while others require paying the ransom.

#3: Determine The Extent Of Damage

Assessing the extent of damage caused by the ransomware attack is crucial. This will help you determine what data is lost or compromised and what can be recovered.

#4: Notify Law Enforcement And Other Authorities

If your business has been hit by a ransomware attack, it is essential to notify law enforcement and other relevant authorities. This can help prevent similar attacks in the future and aid in the recovery process.

#5: Restore Data From Backups

If you have a robust backup system in place, restoring data from backups is a simple and effective recovery strategy. It ensures that you can recover your data without having to pay a ransom.

#6: Use Decryption Tools

If the ransomware strain that infected your systems can be decrypted, using decryption tools can be a viable recovery strategy. These tools can decrypt the files encrypted by ransomware, allowing you to regain access to your data.

#7: Seek Professional Assistance

Recovering from a ransomware attack can be a complicated process that requires technical expertise. Seeking professional assistance from cybersecurity experts can help speed up the recovery process and ensure that your systems are secure.

Ransomware Attacks In IT: Case Studies That Make Us Aware

Over the past year, there have been several high-profile ransomware attacks that have brought industries to their knees. The following case studies are a testament to the damage that ransomware can cause if proper measures are not taken to safeguard against it.

Case Study 1: WannaCry

The WannaCry ransomware worm caused widespread damage across computer networks in May 2017, resulting in financial and economic losses potentially reaching billions of dollars. Cyber risk modelling firm Cyence estimated potential costs from the hack at $4 billion.

Case Study 2: NotPetya

NotPetya, introduced in June 2017, was the most destructive malware ever deployed, targeting Ukraine before spreading to over 60 countries, resulting in thousands of multinationals’ computer systems being destroyed. 3,500 of 6,200 servers were destroyed and couldn’t be reinstalled.

Case Study 3: Colonial Pipeline

In May 2021, Colonial Pipeline paid a $5 million ransom to Russian-based cybercriminals after they hacked its IT network, causing fuel delivery disruptions across the East Coast. The CEO revealed this information during a Senate committee hearing.

How Ardent IT Can Safeguard Your Encryption?

In the wake of these attacks, it is more important than ever to take measures to safeguard against ransomware. Ardent IT offers a range of services that can help protect your business from the devastating effects of a ransomware attack.

Malware Protection Service:

We provide you with a crucial second layer of defence to your computer or network. The service includes a well-designed antivirus software bundle that scans each freshly downloaded software for malware, identifies and removes any malware that may have crept through the cracks and is updated regularly to keep up with the latest risks.

Endpoint Management:

Our Endpoint Management service provides essential data and process automation to supervise and resolve issues, allowing you to track all of your endpoints from a unified dashboard and automatically generate IT environment Outline reports that provide you with a swift, high-precision security check of your endpoint devices.

Proactive Email Security:

Our IT security platform protects against malware and non-malware email threats, such as email fraud. It gives you insight into your greatest risk, and with actionable information, you can better weigh the implications you encounter and react appropriately and more speedily.

Proactive Virus Detection:

We have our Proactive Virus Detection service that helps you combat potential risks, detect computer viruses and other malicious databases, and pinpoint a security threat, enhancing your company’s capacity to discern and avert virus threats.

Is Something Fishy For The Future Too?

As ransomware attacks continue to evolve, it is important to stay vigilant against new threats. In the coming years, it is likely that ransomware attackers will continue to use new tactics to infiltrate systems and demand higher ransoms.

  • One potential new practice is the use of deepfakes to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or transferring money to attackers.
  • Second practice to take rise in 2023 is AI; AI algorithms can analyze a company’s systems to identify vulnerabilities and then use these vulnerabilities to carry out attacks.

Wrapping Up

Ransomware attacks have become increasingly common in recent years, causing major disruptions and financial losses for businesses worldwide. Ardent IT offers several services to safeguard your systems, including malware protection, endpoint management, proactive email security, and virus detection. While it’s difficult to predict exactly how ransomware attackers will evolve in the future, it’s essential to stay vigilant and take steps to protect your systems. Don’t wait until it’s too late—invest in reliable cybersecurity solutions like those provided by Ardent IT.

Secure Your Infrastructure Today!

Learn about the latest techniques and best practices to safeguard your IT systems from ransomware attacks in 2023. Our experts at Ardent IT Solutions provide comprehensive security services that help you stay ahead of cyber threats


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